Untitled, 2001 still images from animation


Untitled, 2001, installation view, Memory Project, Rantakasarmi, NIFCA, Helsinki, Finland, 2002



2001, animation, 54s loop, mute

The short animated loop Untitled (2001) consist of more than 300 colorful drawings of rocks taken from a 1960s book on minerals. With their exaggerated colors and shapes, the once seemingly objective drawings today resemble science fiction cartoons. The science fiction aesthetics are underscored by the circular projection on the wall. Rather than sorting the rocks according to type or geographical origin, Hofstad Gunnes substitutes existing scientific form of classification with at new order based on color.

Elisabeth Byre, Exhibition catalogue text for Animotion, Galleri F 15, 2007




2001, animation, 54s loop, mute