Collision of Species, 2009, still images from animation
Wave, Whip, Fan, 2017, installation view, dokumentasjon Hamskifte, Oppland Kunstsenter, Lillehammer, 2017. Photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen
Collision of Species
2009, 4 channel HD video animation, variable dimensions, mute
In a series of animations, Collision of Species (Oneiric Darwinism), 2009, we are introduced to alternative evolutions or metamorphoses of animals. The animations are based on accounts of dreams involving animal transformations. In each of the four animations a theory is presented in which one animal transforms into another. The animations are made up of silhouette ink drawings. The animals are thus reduced to forms or semiotic signs, rather that depicting a detailed encyclopedic image.
Collision of Species
2009, 4 channel HD video animation, variable dimensions, mute